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The World's First Adaption Shooter!

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ASCENDANT.COM isn’t your granddad’s FPS, unless he’s into brand spanking new 3v3v3v3 squad-based, tactical shooters with serious balls. A shooter with game-changing events and extensive adrenaline-fueled battles.

Set in a constantly changing biopunk world where everything wants to kill you. Fight over limited resources and try to get out with more than just your dignity… and your metaphorical balls.

Adapt or die trying

Those are the only options in this ever changing world. Every time you go out, the map will be different. Landscapes, extraction points, strategies, events, teams. None of them stay the same, constantly reshaping the battleground, forcing you to outthink, outmanoeuvre, and outshoot the poor bastards eyeing your biocores. With 4 teams and only 3 biocores, someone’s going home empty handed (if they go home at all). To walk away with this life giving tree sap, you’ll need to plan, coordinate, and adapt (when that plan goes to shit).


After being on ice for a thousand years, you’ve woken up to a biopunk world that’s been beaten to a pulp by a cataclysmic event known as the Cascade. Luckily, the neon jumpsuits, leg warmers, and ‘80s rock anthems survived. Unfortunately, so did the tank-sized, poison spitting turtle things. Just one of the side effects of biological over-engineering that has blurred the line between organic and synthetic life.

The upside? Loads of sweet biopunk weapons and tech to play with. The downside? Mutant creatures and other survivors that need to be killed with said futuristic firepower.

A WORLD OF SURPRISES (To kill you with)

Your ability to adapt and swallow whatever this world throws at you is pretty important. There’s a full buffet of crazy stuff for you to get into, but this is just a little tasting platter of some things to expect…


When you’re not clocking headshots or running for your life, feel free to relax and explore the lobby we call the shade. But this isn’t just a waiting room. This shade (there are a few!) is packed with everything you could ever want in a vibrant post-apocalyptic hub (except a dry cleaner). Here you can meet fellow fighters, talk smack, run time trials, challenge others to one-on-one duels, try out weapons, prepare your loadout for the next mission, or just play hide and seek. All of which are great distractions from the realization that you’re going to die soon.


Everyone in the shade is a special, little snowflake, so it’s important to find a weapon that truly reflects each fighter’s unique personality. With thousands of possible modifications, any weapon can be tweaked to the way you like to kill things. Want to turn your sniper into a long-range carpet bomber? Fine. Wish your rifle literally lit up enemies? Done. Whatever you want, you’ve got it. And this deep customization affects not just how they play but also the look of your weapons, allowing you to adapt and enjoy the art of annihilation even more.


If you’re going to launch yourself into the murder bowl, you might as well look good doing it. So, before you head out into the world of pain, why not try styling yourself to death?

Choose from hundreds of customization options to create a character that truly represents the futuristic, ‘80s, radical version of yourself. Maybe you’re feeling a bit like a slick David Bowie, or maybe a bit more of a rugged terminator? Maybe a bit of both. Who cares? No matter what you choose, it’ll have blood all over it soon enough.